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Home » On ’emergency’ caddie hunt, he called Dad. Now they might win

On ’emergency’ caddie hunt, he called Dad. Now they might win

Robert MacIntyre was in need of a caddie, so he flew in his father from across the Atlantic Ocean. It’s been nearly perfect since. Bob MacIntyre made an emergency phone call to bring in his caddie this week. Getty Images

It hasn’t been easy for Robert MacIntyre in his first year as a full-time PGA Tour player. After nearly winning his home open in Scotland last summer and triumphing in the Ryder Cup in the fall, he moved to Orlando for a new golfing life in America. But it hasn’t been all smooth sailing; he’s felt lonely and homesick, and has struggled to find the right caddie.

MacIntyre changed caddies last fall, right before the Ryder Cup, and then partnered with Mike Burrow for the beginning of 2024. Burrow, a seasoned caddie, has worked with players like Danny Willett and Haotong Li. However, between the Masters and the PGA Championship, MacIntyre decided to move on and offered his bag to Scott Carmichael. After about five weeks, Carmichael had a wedding commitment during the PGA Championship, so Burrow filled in again. MacIntyre contended during that week, too.

Now, ahead of the Canadian Open, MacIntyre sought a full reset and needed a new caddie. He made an emergency phone call on Saturday to someone he felt most comfortable with: his dad, Dougie.

“I’m trying to work it all out,” MacIntyre said Thursday. “Yeah, it was an emergency phone call on Saturday, and he stepped up to the plate. He’s a good golfer himself, but this kind of level, he’s a bit out of his depth. I thought he did a great job and kept it so simple. The numbers are what they are. Go and add a good shot to that number, and the results should be half decent.”

Surprisingly, their results have been better than just decent. The father-son duo played 36 holes without a bogey and earned the 36-hole lead. “We’re just kind of learning on the run—well, he is—he’s learning on the run and I’m kind of trying to stay as calm as I can,” MacIntyre remarked. “When I do miss a shot, I’m not trying to get too annoyed. Yeah, we’re just trying to have as much fun as we can.”

It’s been smooth for the pair, with Bob securing a lighter carry bag for his father. He hit 72% of greens and scrambled for par every single time he missed. It certainly helped that he finished in the top 10 of each round in putting. Altogether, it marked the first 36-hole lead of the 27-year-old Scotsman’s Tour career.

“It’s cool,” Bob said after the second round. “Look, it’s something that he can always say he’s led a PGA Tour event at some point. What happens over the next two rounds, who knows. I’m going to go out there and do the same stuff, hit as many fairways as I can, hit as many good shots as I can, just keep doing the same stuff. As I keep saying, it’s not rocket science, it’s a golf course. It’s you versus it. I think I’ve done a good job so far.”

MacIntyre’s performance remained strong even as he made his first bogey of the week in the third round, with notable players like Rory McIlroy and Tom Kim chasing after them. Regardless of what happens next, MacIntyre cherishes this time with his dad.

“Look, I’m out here just now playing, I’ve only been home really three weeks since January the 3rd, so I don’t get to see my dad much. Obviously, I phoned him, emergency phone call to come here last week. He jumped at the chance. It’s good to just spend an extra week with loved ones.”

Whether or not they win, the experience of having his father by his side has been invaluable for Robert MacIntyre. Sometimes, the simple things, like a father’s support, can make all the difference in the world of golf.

Source: Golf


Paul Lewis is a lifelong golfing enthusiast who has dedicated his life to the game he loves. With a passion that has fueled his journey, Paul's unwavering commitment to golf has shaped him into a knowledgeable and experienced individual in the world of golf.

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