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Home » Pro reveals fineable offenses on PGA Tour, from slow play to divot negligence

Pro reveals fineable offenses on PGA Tour, from slow play to divot negligence

PGA Tour player Michael Kim, well-known for engaging with fans on social media, recently shared some intriguing details about the fines players can incur on the PGA Tour.

According to Kim, there are several actions that can lead to fines. These include slow play, foul language on live TV, mishandling sponsored tee markers, failing to properly rake bunkers or replace divots, mistreating volunteers, and even relieving oneself outside of designated restrooms. One of the most eye-opening revelations is that players in a group that is timed for slow play can be fined $50,000 after 10 violations, with an additional $5,000 for every subsequent infraction.

Kim also explained how fines are issued. A slow-play infraction notification is delivered via email, while other infraction notices are either left in a player’s locker or communicated through a phone call. He highlighted that even players who are not individually responsible for the slow pace can still be fined if they are part of a lagging group.

In response to social media comments, Kim clarified that a group is timed if it falls more than one hole behind the group ahead. When someone suggested publicly naming slow-play offenders, Kim responded, ‘I’d love that but the public vitriol would be off the charts if you did it just once. Even if you improved and you weren’t slow anymore, you’d forever have that label.’

The PGA Tour has traditionally been quiet about its disciplinary actions and did not confirm or deny Kim’s information when contacted for comment. What is certain, however, is that the money collected from these fines goes to charity, according to Kim.

Kim’s revelations shed light on the strict and, at times, surprising rules that PGA Tour players must adhere to, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at the conduct expected on the course.

Source: Golf ˙ Twitter


Paul Lewis is a lifelong golfing enthusiast who has dedicated his life to the game he loves. With a passion that has fueled his journey, Paul's unwavering commitment to golf has shaped him into a knowledgeable and experienced individual in the world of golf.

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